

Lund Parish Church is a much loved and historically significant church, which lies at the heart of its community. It is a valuable sacred space, providing an oasis of peace and quiet for personal reflection and prayer as well as a meaningful space for life events such as baptism, marriage and funerals, as well as an uplifting sacred space for worship. But we can only continue as we are through support from people like you.


It costs £82,000 to run Lund Church every year – which equates to £1,600 per week.

Lund Church receives no regular funding from the Church of England or the government. Money is raised through donations from members of the congregation, from visitors and supporters. Our fundraising activities also raise funds for the ongoing life and ministry of the Parish Church.

The costs of maintaining such a historic building are enormous as are ever increasing energy bills plus expense incurred in our ministry to the Communities we serve.


You can send a donation to us by cheque made payable to PCC of Lund at:

Lund Vicarage, Church Lane, Clifton, Preston, Lancashire PR4 0ZE

UK taxpayers: Remember, you can make your gift worth up to 25% more by completing a Gift Aid Declaration and returning it with your donation.

Regular Giving

A regular gift means we have a better idea of what our income will be and are able to plan future funding much more effectively. If you would like to make a regular gift to The parish of Lund via standing order please contact our planned giving officer Karen Whelan


People can also choose to remember charities in their Wills. Leaving a gift to Lund Church in your will can reduce the Inheritance Tax payable on your estate as well as providing invaluable funding for future benefit. If you would like to remember Lund Parish Church in your will we would be very happy to discuss this with you.


If you are able to make a donation to support the work of The Parish of Lund, we would be very grateful. If you are a UK Tax Payer, you can increase your gift by 25% by completing the Gift Aid declaration. Please, contact our Planned Giving Officer, Karen Whelan


You can donate online by using this QR code: